Wednesday 8th July
The Arakwal people of Byron Bay would like to welcome you to the 2nd year of our special NAIDOC screening of entertaining and award winning Indigenous short films, all of which have been screened to great acclaim at festivals around the world
Presented by the Arakwal corporation, Flickerfest and The Island Quarry this selection of highly entertaining, contemporary indigenous short films provide great insight into what it means to be indigenous in Australia today, as told by Indigenous people themselves.
We are proud to present the exciting showcase of award winning shorts. They have been embraced by audiences all around Australia, and screened at festivals all around the world. They provide an excellent insight for all Australian’s into the richness of indigenous culture.
Highlights of the programme include:
The ‘Djarn Djarns‘ by acclaimed actor and director Wayne Blair,
‘Two Bob Mermaid‘ by award winning director Darlene Johnston,
the fun romantic comedy ‘Turnaround‘,
and ‘Mimi‘ starring Aaron Pederson and David Gulpilil. by Warwick Thornton who’s first feature film ‘Samson and Delilah’ recently won the Camera D’or in Cannes.
The 75 min programme is complete with ‘Black Talk‘ by Wayne Blair.
Last years programme was a great hit and screened to capacity audiences.
Our special Naidoc week screening is in honour of Aunty Linda Vidler Arakwal elder, who recently passed away.
Wednesday July 8th
7pm for 7.30 screening (rating PG)
Tickets $8 / $6 conc (Byron Bay Community Centre or at the door)
Refreshments will be available afterwards
The screenings is a fundraiser for the Arakwal corporation
For more information call: 6685 9999
presented by: