28th Jan ’97
Author: Thomas Berghuis
Harem Night
Jan 13th ’97
ReGeneration 1997 Celebration

Jan 1st 1997
January 1st marked our first full scale foray into promotions and entertainment as we presented the “ReGeneration 97” gig featuring the DIRTY THREE as part of their ‘Horse Stories’ album, Australian promotional tour.
Harem Night

28th Sep. 1996
A night of Middle Eastern food & belly-dancers
Middle Eastern Drum Workshop

27, 28th Sep. 1996
Drumming lessons with Anne Harkin
Navaho Blessingway Ceremony
25, 26, 27th Sep. 1996
Rights of passage to parenthood
Spiritual Ceremony
Spring Equinox 1996
Permaculture Course

1st to 14th Sep. 1996
A certificate course to help with the design of the Island Quarry & start the Spring plantings
Opening Celebration
Winter Solstice 1996
Island Quarry is go – the Association receives licence of the land